Law Of Attraction

How To Use The Power Of Gratitude To Attract More Of What You Want In Life!

“Be grateful for what you already have and you will attract more good things”

Rhonda Byrne – The Secret

The Law Of Attraction. Gratitude

Many years ago I made friends with a remarkable woman in her 50's called Felicity.

Felicity had been a successful women, very intelligent , extremely sociable and enormously interesting. However she'd just been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. She knew the gravity of her illness straight away.

In the space of a couple of years she was wheelchair bound.

I will never forget meeting her again when she came to my wedding.

There she was brightly dressed in her wheelchair surrounded by mutual friends, smiling from ear to ear, telling hillarious tales of how she and her wheelchair had just come back from a trip around the world. Could we believe it?

No, the trip had not been easy, but it had been an adventure. Every bit of it. And she was grateful for every bit of it, the joys AND the troubles.

But what she seemed most grateful for was her wheelchair, her wonderful carer and their ability to laugh and laugh and laugh, no matter what the world threw at them. She was inspirational and for a fleeting moment I was jealous.

So much has already been written about the power of gratitude I am reluctant to repeat it.

The key, as Rhonda Byrne so aptly captures it in her highly successful book 'The Secret', is to realise that every time you are grateful you are sending out waves of positive energy, positive vibrations into the world. And that's important.

It's important because positive energy is magnetic. It's a magnet. It can't but attract positive energy and positive things back to the source - you.

So if you want to have more positive things coming into your life, you need to start with the simple act of becoming more grateful.

In fact be grateful for everything. Be grateful for the little things as well as the large.

As I write this my husband has spent over 24 hours stuck in Shanghai airport en route to one of China's huge but less well known cities Dallian.

He speaks no Chinese, he has no wifi access and his mobile phone has run out of charge. I have had no contact with him since he left home nearly 48 hours ago.

As I type I keep hoping he will be expressing gratitude for his experience and looking for the good in it. I know him well enough to know that he will.

So Here's Your Next Step...

Take out your A4 notebook, smart phone or laptop, or whatever you are using to write your notes.

1. Start a new page and write the heading:

'My Gratitude List'

Then write the words ' I am grateful for...'

Now just list all the things that you have in your life that you are grateful for.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

2. When you are finished, read through your list.

How are you feeling now?

All you have to do next is make sure you read your gratitude list first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

Of course, feel free to read through your list at any time of the day too.

As each day passes keep adding to your list. Rhonda Byrne encourages people to have a gratitude journal - to write down what they are grateful for every single day. Feel free to do that too.

So remember as you express what you are grateful for, you will be sending out vibrations of positive energy. The more you send out, the more you will eventually attract back ...

Head on over to my facebook page and let me know how you are getting on.

Tags: Law of attraction gratitude, Law of attraction gratitude, law of attraction gratitude, law of attraction gratitude, Law of attraction gratitude.

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